13. Index of courses


Advanced astronomical laboratory

Algebra and geometry B

Algebra and geometry C

Applied meteorology

Astrophysics for physicists

Biochemistry, (2)

Bioelectric phenomena and elements of biocybernetics


Celestial mechanics

Chemical laboratory I, (2)

Chemical laboratory II, (2)

Chemical laboratory


Classical field theory

Classical mechanics

Computer and networks

Computer programming (for students of astronomy)

Computer programming I (for students of physics)

Computer programming II

Correlation methods in optical image recognition

Electrodynamics and elements of field theory

Electrodynamics of continuous media

Electronic properties of solid and defects (lecture is given in English)

Electronics, electronic laboratory

Electronics, lecture and laboratory

Elementary particle and high energy physics I

Elementary particle and high energy physics II

Elements of modern mathematics. (Linear operators in Banach and Hilbert spaces)

Elements of modern optics

Elements of numerical modelling

Elements of rhetoric

English in calculus (lecture is given in English)

Experimental meteorology

Experimental methods in high energy physics

Extragalactic astronomy

Financial mathematics

Foundations of hydrodynamics

Fourier optics

Fundamental problems of biomedical sciences

Fundamentals of X-ray and neutron diffraction

General astronomy

General chemistry

General meteorology


Geometry and soliton theory


Historical experiments in physics

History of physics



Introduction to astronomy I (for students of astronomy)

Introduction to astronomy II (for students of astronomy)

Introduction to atomic, molecular and solid state physics, (2)

Introduction to biophysics

Introduction to chemistry

Introduction to classical and quantum field theory

Introduction to database technology

Introduction to elementary particle physics

Introduction to geophysics

Introduction to Hamiltonian renormalisation in quantum field theory

Introduction to mathematical and numerical modelling in natural sciences

Introduction to nuclear and elementary particle physics, (2)

Introduction to numerical modelling

Introduction to observational astrophysics

Introduction to optics and solid state physics

Introduction to physics of magnetism

Introduction to quantum theory of atomic nuclei

Introduction to techniques of measurements and preliminary laboratory

Introduction to the Hamiltonian field theory

Introduction to theory of electromagnetic interactions

Kinetic theory

Laser physics

Lorentz group and its representations

Material physics

Mathematical analysis B I

Mathematical analysis B II

Mathematical analysis B III

Mathematical analysis C I

Mathematical analysis C II

Mathematical analysis C III

Mathematical methods of geophysics

Mathematical methods of physics (a)

Mathematical methods of physics (b) (Introduction to theory of special functions)

Mathematical methods of physics

Mathematical modelling of biological processes

Mathematical statistics

Mathematics A I

Mathematics A II

Mathematics A III

Mathematics I

Mathematics II

Mathematics III

Mechanics of continuous media – elastomechanics (for students of Lithosphere)

Mechanics of continuous media

Methods of meteorological data processing

Microscopy, microdiffraction and microanalysis

Modern methods of quantum field theory II

Modern optics

Modern physics for non physicists

Modern theoretical mechanics

Molecular biophysics I

Molecular biophysics II

Molecular genetics

Molecular modelling methods. Review and applications

Molecular spectroscopy

Mysteries of the Universe

Nonlinear dynamics and chaos

Nonlinear image processing

Nuclear methods in solid state physics

Nuclear physics - nuclear reactions

Nuclear physics - nuclear spectroscopy

Numerical laboratory (for students of astronomy)

Numerical methods (for students of astronomy)

Numerical methods A I

Numerical methods A II

Numerical methods B I

Numerical methods B II

Optical information processing

Organic chemistry, (2)

Pedagogical training, 2nd year

Pedagogical training, 3rd year



Physical experiments under extreme conditions

Physical methods of environmental studies (for students of physics and MSO¦)

Physical principles of radiotherapy and dosimetry of ionising radiation

Physics (for students of Interfaculty Environmental Studies)

Physics A I - Mechanics

Physics A II – Electricity and magnetism

Physics A III - Vibrations and Waves

Physics B I and Physics C I - Mechanics

Physics B II and Physics CII - Electromagnetism

Physics B III – Waves an oscillations

Physics education

Physics for natural science students

Physics I – Mechanis

Physics II – Electricity and magnetis

Physics III Waves

Physics IV – Heat and molecular structure of matter

Physics IV – Introduction to modern physics

Physics Laboratory I (a)

Physics Laboratory I (b)

Physics laboratory II (a)

Physics laboratory II (b)

Physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere

Physics of clouds I and II

Physics of lithosphere and planetology

Physics of relativistic nuclei collisions

Physics V – Experimental thermodynamic

Physics V Quantum mechanics I

Physics VI Quantum mechanics II

Principles of experimental error analysis

Principles of medical diagnostics


Quantum chromodynamics (lecture is given in English)

Quantum mechanics 3/2

Quantum mechanics I

Quantum mechanics II (for students of Biophysics)

Quantum mechanics II A

Quantum mechanics II B (Quantum mechanics of many-body systems)

Quantum physics

Radiation detectors

Radiometry and radioecology

Relativistic bound states

Renormalisation, resummation and optimisation

Rigorous results of quantum theory

Rudiments of mechanics (lecture is given in English)

Satellite geophysics and gravimetry


Selected experiments of particle physics (lecture is given in English)

Selected topics in physics of atmosphere

Selected topics of theoretical astrophysics - Magnetohydrodynamics

Selected topics of theoretical physics

Selected topics on general astrophysics

Seminar on modern physics

Seminar on theoretical physics

Simulations in condensed matter physics


Solid state physics

Solid state theory

Space and motion

Statistical methods of data analysis

Statistical physics I

Statistical physics II

Statistical physics’ models with exact solutions

Statistics for astronomy

Statistics for physicists

Stochastic processes in physics

Structure and lattice dynamics of condensed matter

Structure of photon (lecture is given in English)

Summer course for teachers, summer camp

Theoretical astrophysics I – Astrophysics of stellar interiors

Theoretical astrophysics II – Stellar atmospheres

Theoretical meteorology I

Theoretical meteorology II

Theory of atomic nucleus

Theory of gravitation

Theory of particle physics

Theory of solitons


Topics in elementary particle physics

UNIX course

X-ray physics I–

X-ray physics II