Laboratory of Medical Physics
Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University

Students entering Medical Physics specialisation are required to have completed courses in mathematics and physics, laboratories common for all specialisation and following courses:

Numerical methods I & II
Computer programming I & II
Quantum mechanics I
Introduction to nuclear physics and elementary particles
Electrodynamics of media
Introduction to biophysics
Physical methods of environment research

Laboratory of Medical Physics - lectures
lectures+pract. classes
Fundamental problems of biomedical sciences
Physical foundations of medical diagnostics 2+2
Statistics and signal analysis 2+2 2+2
Laboratory of medical physics* 6 6
Bioelectricity and elements of biocybernetics
Physical foundations of radiotherapy and radioprotection 2+1
Mathematical modelling in biology and medicine 2+2
Radiometry and radioecology 2 
Master's thesis preparation
Medical physics seminar 2 2 2 2 2
*Medical Physics Lab classes are held, apart of the very Lab. Med. Physics, at:

The Warsaw Medical University Akademia Medyczna w Warszawie
Medical Physics Department, Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Centre and Institute of Oncology Instytut Onkologii, Zakład Fizyki
Center for Medical Postgraduate Studies Centrum Medycznego Kształcenia Podyplomowego
Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection Centralne Laboratorium Ochrony Radiologicznej

Bioelectricity and elements of biocybernetics
1. Ionic phenomena in nervous and muscle cells. Hodgkin-Huxley theory.
2. Propagation of nervous excitation. Synaptic conductivity and potentials. Transmissions in neural ensembles.
3. Electrical phenomena in muscle cells. Muscle control.
4. Electrical phenomena in sensory organs. Active stimulus transduction.
5. Volume conductivity. Tissue's electrical properties.
6. Elements of stochastic signal analysis.
7. Generation, registration and analysis of electric and magnetic signals: EEG, EP, EMG, ERG, EOG, EDG, MEG, MKG
8. Modelling of neuron's population activity. Freeman's theory.
9. Artificial neural networks. A formal neuron. Perceptron and Adaline. Model of associative memory - Hopfield network. Multilayer networks and error backpropagation. Supervised and unsupervised learning.

Physical foundations of radiotherapy and radioprotection
1. Basics of interaction of ionizing radiation, used in radiotherapy of cancers, with ph. matter
2. Basics of dosimetry of ionizing radiation used in radiotherapy
3. Forming of external therapeutic beams of photons and electrons: Roentgen apparatus,
Co-60 sources, medical linear accelerators of electrons
4. Distributions of therapeutic dose, external beams of ionizing radiation: dependence of dose's distribution in phantom on physical beam's parameters, distribution in non-uniform media
5. Basic techniques of irradiation with external beams of electrons and photons; exercises in using computer system for teleradiotherapy planning
6. Radiobiological bases of ionizing radiation applications for therapeutic purposes, linear-quadratic model
7. Physical foundations of brachytherapy

Statistics and signal analysis
1. Statistics: definitions of probability, density function, variance. Distributions: Gauss, uniform, binomial, Poisson, chi-square, Central Limit Theorem. Estimation. Maximum Likehood method. Verification of statistical hypotheses. Correlation coefficient, covariance matrix. ANOVA, MANOVA, chi-square test of goodness of fit, Cluster Analysis, Principal Components Analysis, Factor Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, non-parametric tests
2. Signal analysis: computability, notion of alghoritm's numerical complexity - notation O(.). NP-hard and NP-complete problems. Binary representations of characters, numbers, images etc. Hilbert space L^2(0, 2 pi). Set of vectors: linearly independent, orthogonal, basis. Fourier coefficients. Isomorphism of L^2 and l^2. Difference between Fourier integral and Fourier series. Frequency domain filtering. AR and ARMA models. Time-frequency phase space. Wavelet analysis. Matching Pursuit.

1. Features of a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
2. Proteins: I-, II-, III- and IV-order structure
3. Enzymes
4. Structure of lipids and carbohydrates
5. Krebs cycle
6. Biological oxygenation - foundations of bioenergetics.
7. Photosynthesis
8. Nucleic acids - structure and functions.
9. DNA and RNA viruses, HIV virus.
10. Membranes - structure and chemical compound
11. Process of vision - structure of the eye, retina etc.
12. Muscle contraction. Structure of a skeleton muscle.
13. Metaboism regulation.
14. Regulation via nervous system

Fundamental problems of biomedical sciences
This lecture presents in a contemporary and synthetic form basic elements of construction and functions of the human organism. Description involves diverse structural levels, beginning with molecular and cellular through tissues, organs and systems until the organism as a whole. Particular attention is paid to dependencies connecting proper and pathological phenomena on different levels, esp. as related to regulatory processes and their disfunctions.

Physical foundations of medical diagnostics
1. Physical problems in radiodiagnostics
2. Diagnostic examination techniques
3. Imaging equipment and its physical parameters
4. Computer Tomography and Roentgen diagnostics and nuclear medicine
5. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
6. Sources of radiation: RTG lamps and radiopharmaceutic drugs
7. Radiation detectors
8. X-rays and gamma radiation in biological objects
9. Imaging methods in medical diagnostics
10. Data processing in qualitative diagnostics and presenation
11. Statistical methods in imaging techniques
12. Evaluation of diagnostic images quality
13. Dosimetry of radiation and equipment used in medical diagnostics
14. Patient's exposure to ionizing radiation
15. Radioprotection in sites applying ionizing radiation
16. Quality control of diagnostic equipment operation

Laboratory of Medical Physics - employment of graduates

The following institutions closely cooperate with Lab. Med. Physics and employ our graduates; in many cases students make first contacts during Medical Physics Laboratory assignments on VII and VIII semesters:

The Warsaw Medical University Akademia Medyczna w Warszawie
Medical Physics Department, Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Centre and Institute of Oncology Instytut Onkologii, Zakład Fizyki
Center for Medical Postgraduate Studies Centrum Medycznego Kształcenia Podyplomowego
Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection Centralne Laboratorium Ochrony Radiologicznej
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. Nenckiego
Institute of Biocybernetics Instytut Biocybernetyki
IPPT Institute Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki
Inst. Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Acad. of Science Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN
Institute of Psychoneurology Instytut Psychoneurologii
Military Medical University Wojskowa Akademia Medyczna

Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
Wojskowy Instytut Higieny i Epidemiologii

"Primary" means here the first one after graduating; of the above at least six persons we know about changed job for better paid non-scientific companies.
Members of Society of Students of Medical Physics launched a questionnaire-based survey aimed at foreign and private comapnies of related profile, containing questions about employment possibilities, also for B.Sc. graduates.