
By using the address

there 'Directory'  option from 'Main menu' and then 'Courses'  it can be found my lectures and seminar for graduate students.  That is,

(1)  Introduction to ekonophysics (course ID: 1101-4Eko23)

(2)  Computer simulation in physics by using characteristic examples (course ID: 1101-5Eko11)

(3)   Non-Gaussian stochastic processes  in nature with elements of econo- and sociophysics (course ID: 1101-5Eko12)

(4)   Econo- and sociophysics students' seminar (course ID:  1101-4Eko24)

Notice: the archives of lectures can be found on this page.
Notice: the archives of  seminar talks can be found on this page. There choose the catalog:

Multimedialne seminarium i proseminarium z ekono- i socjofizyki (rok akademicki 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/2011 or 2011/2012)

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