Biomedical physics department

Medical Imaging Projects

Updated: 2015-06-28


1.    Tool measuring skin layers on high-frequency USG dermatology images.



Physical properties of this technique make it suitable basically for skin imaging, where we can see reflections from skin forming layers and certain skin diseases. Examples of examinations in morphea cases are presented: microsonographic images and diagnostically important parameters.

Such parameters can be measured from images and be a basis of computer-aided objective diagnostic methods.


L Prebisz, M. Kaminski, J.Pietrzak, Ultrasonography in dermatology, Przeglad Dermatologiczny 2013, 100, 330–337,





NUCLEar medicine

2.    XSPECT: GPU capable tool for simulating SPECT systems and software for SPECT image reconstruction



GPU implementation can greatly accelerate iterative techniques of 3D reconstruction in nuclear medicine imaging. To obtain high quality images in Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) within reduced scanning times, high sensitivity collimators need to be used and their response function modeled in the reconstruction. This is in general very computationally intensive and unfeasible with conventional PCs and algorithm implementations. Our software is able to perform the reconstruction of patient data within clinically acceptable times (18 s vs 17 min on CPU) using relatively low cost and widely available hardware.


J. Pietrzak, K. Kacperski, GPU Implementation for Rapid Iterative Image Reconstruction in Nuclear Medicine, GPU Technology Conference, 2012,


J. Pietrzak, K. Kacperski, Optimal Speed Gain for CUDA implementation of SPECT Image Reconstruction, GPU Technology Conference, 2011.




3.    FreeSpect: OptiX based engine for ray-tracing Monte Carlo simulations of gamma ray propagation



We present the application of popular in professional graphics and rendering applications NVIDIA OptiX ray-tracing engine as a new powerful tool for X- and gamma ray-tracing in medical imaging. Using the OptiX engine we have implemented a set of computer graphics and statistical algorithms needed for Monte Carlo simulation of physics of gamma rays, like scattering (coherent and incoherent), photoelectric absorption and penetration.


J. Pietrzak, K. Kacperski, M. Cieslar, NVIDIA OptiX ray-tracing engine as a new tool for modelling medical imaging systems, SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, 2015,


J. Pietrzak, K. Kacperski, M. CIeslarUltra Fast Ray-Tracer for Medical Imaging With NVIDIA OptiX Engine, GPU Technology Conference, 2013,





4.    PIXPCIMOD: GPU software for simulating Phase Contrast Imaging Systems




Software for simulating partial illumination X-ray phase-contrast imaging systems. Our current work is focused on integrating the software with OptiX engine and moving from voxelized phantoms to phantoms and elements of imaging system represented by NURBS surfaces and triangle meshes.


B. Wlodarczyk, J. Pietrzak,  Analytical reconstructions of intensity modulated x-ray phase contrast imaging of human scale phantoms, [ paper under review ].








Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case you can provide significant contribution to one of our projects either you are interested in our latest compiled version of the software:  Jakub.Pietrzak [AT]