
ExpandPolVec[expr, PolVec[P , pol]]
returns expr with occurrences of polarization vectors PolVec[P , pol] replaced by proper, for given polarization pol, combinations of four-vectors, slashed matrices and spinors associated with momentum P and default reference vector.
ExpandPolVec[expr, PolVec[P , pol, q]]
decomposes occurrences of PolVec[P , pol, q], in expr, using reference vector q.
ExpandPolVec[expr, patt]
decomposes those occurrences of polarization vectors, in expr, which match pattern patt.
decomposes all polarization vectors in given expression expr.
  • The following options can be given:
PhaseConventionAutomaticname of convention that will be passed as first argument of Phase of expanded polarization vectors
Expand only given polarization vector:
Expand polarization vectors matching given pattern:
Expand all polarization vectors:
With "PhaseConvention" set to Automatic (default value) no additional phase factors are added to expanded polarization vectors:
With "PhaseConvention" set to anything else than Automatic, each expanded polarization vector is multiplied with Phase for given convention: