Lynx Navigation Keys Summary

Lynx provides a rich set of keystrokes to move around in the current document.

Note that some navigational keystrokes are on the numeric keypad. Since the meaning of those keys can change depending on the state of the num lock, both the functional and numeric values map to the same action. In these cases, the numeric keypad key (regardless of num lock state) as well as the normal number keys and any seperate keys with the same function name (ie cursors, Home, End, etc) all should function identically.

The first set of movement commands will move you between links. If the next/previous link is on the same page, the page remains the same, and the next/previous link is highlighted. If the next/previous link is not on the same page, these commands act as a next/previous page instead.

  Next           Down Arrow or 2     Next link right or down
  Previous       Up Arrow or 8       Prev link left or up
  Down link      >                   Down to first link on the next line
  Up link        <                   Up to first link on the previous ine

The remaining movement commands will change the portion of the text that is displayed.

  First page     Home, 7 or Ctl-A                first page in document
  Last page      End, 1 or Ctl-E                 last page in document
  Next page      Pg Dn, 3, +, space or Ctl-F     next page
  Prev page      Pg Up, 9, -, b or Ctl-B         previous page
  forward two    Ctrl-N                          scroll forward two lines
  back two       Ctrl-P                          scroll back two lines
  forward half   )                               scroll forward half page
  back half      (                               scroll back half page
Page maintained by Scott McGee (
Copyright(c) 1996, Scott McGee.
Last Updated: 11/27/96