This is header label of the document.

This document has the following header:
<html><head><title>HTML test title</title>
<link rev="made" href="">
and header label: <H1>This is header label of the document.</H1>
and ends with the following: </body></html>

Every HTML document should have a title, generally in 1st line,
it identifies page - should be unique, and max 64 characters.
Heading: <Hx>label</Hx> where x is level (1-6, 1 is topmost).
Recommended is 1st header in document to be of level 1.

Paragraph (produces empty line): <P>; ends with: </P>;
can specify alignment: <P ALIGN=[CENTER|LEFT|RIGHT]>data</P>.
The <P> before 1st paragraph was skipped intentionally
because it produces two unnecessary newlines on lynx browser.

To force line break, use <BR>, to make horizontal line try
something like: <hr size=4 width=50%> - try own numbers.

How to show characters which have special significance?
They have names, and can be shown by putting "&name;" (w/o ""),
some names: amp,lt,gt for &<>.

To set character formatting use for logical style:

	dfn			- word being defined
	em			- emphasis
	cite			- citation
	code			- computer code
	kbd			- keyboard entry
	samp			- sample
	strong			- strong emphasis
	var			- variable
for physical style: <b> - bold, <i> - italic, <tt> - typewriter.

To separate a quote from test, put <blockquote>before
and </blockquote> after it.

Also, text may be specified as preformatted <pre>text</pre>,
this prevents WWW browser from reformatting it.

Comments: <!-- something -->, <comment>something</comment>.
Test if they are really not shown: something.

   Link example: <a href="URL">?</a> is shown as ?
   The URL should be in form: scheme://host.domain[:port]/path/filename
	scheme may be:	file	- (or ftp) local or on an ftp server
			http	- a file on a World Wide Web server
			gopher	- a file on a Gopher server
			wais	- a file on a WAIS server
			news	- ?
			telnet	- ?
			mailto	- e-mail address, form: mailto:user@host
				  (note form difference in mailto usage)
	port generally can be omitted, it is defined by scheme.

   Lists:	unnumbered <ul>items</ul>, numbered <ol>items</ol>,
		the items should be marked with <LI> (LI=list item);
		definition	<dl[ compact]><dt>title<dd>description
		the "compact" reduces spacing in display of the list.

You can find more info on HTML here: NCSA's HTML Primer
jt on zfjavs
This above is address section test in the following form:
<address><a href="">jt on zfjavs</a></address>

Here is a test if HTML is still recognized after </HTML>...