This web page contains the library of programs for the calculations of MSSM Higgs boson production and decays in e+e- colliders. It contains five files: 1. example.f. This file contains detailed and well commented examples of calculations of the production cross sections and decay branching ratios of h, H and A. All basic information concerning the use of the library should be included in example.f, other files in the library can be treated as a black box unless the user wants to put its own modifications. In case of problems or questions please write to 2. example.dat. This file contains output produced by example.f. It may be useful for cross-checking the compability and accuracy of various compilers. 3. mssm.tar.Z - all procedures necessary to calculate Higgs masses and cross sections including self-energy diagrams and vertex corrections. This part of the library was written by Piotr Chankowski and Janusz Rosiek. Questions concerning specifically this part please ask to 4. box.tar.Z - set of procedures to calculate box diagrams contribution. This was prepared by Volker Driesen and Wolfgang Hollik, specific questions please ask to 5. ffv1_9.tar.Z - library of the loop integrals necessary for box calculations. This was written by G.J.v.Oldenborgh. We only slightly adapted it, commenting out all print statements: in other cases those procedures generate a lot of auxiliary messages, which may cause some problems and slow the calculations. We have used version 1.9, you can ask directly the author of the library for the eventual updates. In order to compile example.f: 1. Uncompress .tar.gz files (if they are not automatically uncompressed by your browser program). gzip -d *.tar.gz 2. Untar them. tar xvf mssm.tar tar xvf box.tar tar xvf ffv1_9.tar Three subdirectories will be created: ./mssm, ./ffv1_9, ./box 3. Compile libraries (if there are any problems look into Makefile files: may be your operating system or compiler requires different options): cd mssm make cd ../box make cd ../ffv1_9 make cd .. Three libraries libmssm.a, libbox.a, libffv1_9.a have been created. 4. Compile and run example program: f77 -o example example.f libmssm.a libbox.a libffv1_9.a example 5. Compare your output ( with example.dat Janusz Rosiek 07.02.1996