O seminarium                   Program                   Notatki

Czas i miejsce: czwartki, 10:15–12:00; Seminarium w roku akademickim 2020/21 będzie prowadzone w sposób zdalny.


7.10.2020 Marcin Zając (KMMF)
Hamilton-Jacobi theory for locally conformal symplectic manifolds
14.10.2020 Andrew Bruce (Uni. Luxembourg)
On the supermanifold description of Pre-Courant algebroids
2.10.2020 Jakub Zieliński (ICM)
Epidemic models. An overview of different mathematical methods
5.11.2020 Wojciech de Roeck (KU Leuven)   The many-body Thouless pump
12.11.2020 Środa dydaktyczna
Bez seminarium
19.11.2020 Ewelina Zatorska (Imperial College)
On the existence of solutions to the two-fluids systems
26.11.2020 Torben Krueger (Uni. of Copenhagen)  Non-selfadjoint random matrices: spectral statistics and applications
3.12.2020 Thomas Strobl (Uni. Lyon 1)
Singular Riemannian foliations and Gauge Theories beyond group actions
10.12.2020 Radosław Adamczak (MIMUW)
Random G-circulant matrices. Spectrum of random convolution operators on large finite groups.
17.12.2020 Katedralne Spotkanie Bożonarodzeniowe
7.1.2021 Christian Brennecke (Harvard)
Bose-Einstein Condensation beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii Regime
14.1.2021 Marius Lemm (EPFL)
Spectral gaps in quantum spin systems
21.1.2021 Mirosław Lachowicz (MIMUW)
Integro-differential equations and beatiful catastrophes
28.1.2021 Anton Alekseev (Uni. Geneva)
 Coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro algebra and equivariant localization

LETNI 2020/21

4.3.2021 Marcin Lis (Uni.of Vienna) Free boundary dimers: random walk representation and scaling limit
11.3.2021 Manuel de Leon (CSIC-ICMAT-Real Academia de Ciencias)
Contact Hamiltonian systems: Applications to thermodynamics
18.3.2021 Chiara Saffirio (Uni.of Basel) Semiclassical limit from the Hartree-Fock equation to the Vlasov-Poisson system
25.3.2021 Zohreh Ravanpak (IMPAN) How to construct discrete mechanics on octonions?
1.4.2021 Katedralne Spotkanie Wielkanocno—Pesachowe
8.4.2021 Julien Sabin (Ecole Polytechnique) Weyl laws for singular potentials
15.4.2021 Daniel Peralta and Alberto Enciso (ICMAT)  Knotted vortex structures in incompresible fluids: deterministic and probabilistic aspects
22.4.2021 Alberto Ibort (UC3)
Evolution of classical and quantum states in the grupoid picture of quantum mechanics
29.4.2021 Théotime Girardot (LPMMC Grenoble) Semiclassical limit for almost fermionic anyons
6.5.2021 Christian Van Den Ven ( University of Trento) Strict deformation quantizacion: a C*-algebraic approach to the classical limit of quantum systems
13.5.2021 Ben Li  (Ningbo University) Affine invariant maps for log-concave functions
20.5.2021 Katarzyna Grabowska (KMMF)
Information geometry in the language of Lie grupoids and Lie algebroids
27.5.2021 Enderalp Yakaboylu (MPI Garching) Molecular impurities as a realization of anyons of the two-sphere
10.6.2021 Piotr Minakowski (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg) Error estimates for Physics-inspired neural network solutions for partial differential equations


ARCHIWUM 7. (rok akademicki 2019-20)

(rok akademicki 2018-19)

ARCHIWUM 5. (rok akademicki 2017-18)

ARCHIWUM 4. (rok akademicki 2016-17)

ARCHIWUM 3. (rok akademicki 2015-16)

ARCHIWUM 2. (rok akademicki 2014-15)

ARCHIWUM 1. (okres od 2. października 2008 r. do 5. czerwca 2014 r.)

ARCHIWUM 0. (okres od 7. listopada 1996 r. do 5. czerwca 2008 r.)

Strona ostatnio odświeżana 10. maja 2018 r.