W dniu 17. października 2019 r. o godzinie 10:15

W. Dybalski (Technische Universitat Munchen)

wygłosi wykład pt.

"The Bisognano-Wichmann property for asymptotically complete massless QFT"


    In algebraic QFT the Bisognano-Wichmann property allows to compute the Lorentz boosts from algebras of observables with the help of the Tomita-Takesaki theory. Among other applications, this property enters as an assumption in modern CPT theorems. However, there are still many open questions concerning its status in the Haag-Kastler setting. In this talk, I will present a proof of the Bisognano-Wichmann property for asymptotically complete Haag-Kastler theories of massless particles. These particles should either be scalar or appear as a direct sum of two opposite integer helicities. Thus, e.g., photons are covered. The argument uses results from the theory of induced representations of groups, such as the Mackey subgroup theorem, and Buchholz’ scattering theory of massless particles. (Joint work with V. Morinelli).

Seminarium odbywa się w czwartki w godzinach 10:15–12:00 w sali 2.23 w głównym budynku Wydziału Fizyki UW przy ul. Pasteura 5 (II p.) w Warszawie.
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