Skyrme energy density functional UNEDF2

For the Skyrme EDF UNEDF2 [27], the calculations were performed using the symmetry-unrestricted code HFODD (v268h) [47]. The HFB equations were solved by expanding single-particle wave functions on 680 deformed harmonic-oscillator (HO) basis states, with HO frequencies of $\hbar
\Omega_x = \hbar \Omega_y = 8.4826549$ MeV and $\hbar \Omega_z = 6.4653456$ MeV. This corresponds to including the HO basis states up to $N_x=N_y=13$ and $N_z=14$.

The time-odd coupling constants of the Skyrme EDF UNEDF2 were determined by the local-gauge-invariance arguments, as defined in Ref. [48]. The HFB equation adopted a quasiparticle cutoff energy of 60MeV. Within this model space, the neutron and proton pairing strengths were readjusted to match the experimental values of $\Delta^{(3)}_n$ and $\Delta^{(3)}_p$ in $^{251}$Cf and $^{249}$Bk, respectively. This resulted in values of

$\displaystyle V_{n}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle -233.889 \; \mbox{MeV} \; \mbox{fm}^{3},$ (3)
$\displaystyle V_{p}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle -280.330 \; \mbox{MeV} \; \mbox{fm}^{3}$ (4)

that are larger by about 25 and 50MeV fm$^{3}$, respectively, than those corresponding to the original UNEDF2 values, where the LN pairing corrections were included, though.

Jacek Dobaczewski 2015-08-21