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Description of input data

Input is given to the code HOSPHE (v1.00) by using the FORTRAN ``namelist'' statement. In this way, the variables specified in the input have their values assigned, while those not specified in the input retain their predefined default values. The variables that can be specified in the input are listed below.

  1. noscmax

    Maximum main HO quantum number $N_{0}$ used in the HO basis. The code HOSPHE (v1.00) currently supports values of $N_{0}$ up to 70.

  2. ordermax

    Maximum order in derivatives used. The possible choices are 0,2,4 and 6.

  3. ngrid

    Number of Gauss-Hermite grid points. The code HOSPHE (v1.00) currently supports up to 85 grid points. If a negative value is given, the code uses $N_{\mbox{\scriptsize {grid}}}=N_{0}+2 + 10$ points, that is, 10 more points than is needed for the most terms to become exact. However, for the Coulomb and density-dependent terms to converge with high precision, one may need more grid points.

  4. intera

    Name of the Skyrme functional to be used. At present, supported versions are: ``SLY4'', ``SLY5'', ``SKM*'', ``SKP'', ``SIII'', and ``FILE''. If the name ``FILE'' is specified, the coupling constants in the spherical notation are read from file ``cc.inp''. An example file of this type is included in the distribution.

  5. AZ, AN

    Number of protons and neutrons.

  6. hbarom

    Oscillator frequency $\hbar \omega$ in MeV. If a negative value is given, it is calculated as $\hbar \omega = 1.2 \times 41 A^{-1/3}$, where $A$ is the number of nucleons (see above).

  7. boscil

    Oscillator constant $b$ in fm$^{-1}$. If a negative value is given, it is calculated from Eq. (80) by using the value of $\hbar \omega$ (see above) and the nucleon mass $m$ being the average of the neutron and proton masses.

  8. icm

    Center of mass correction. For icm=0, no correction is used, and for icm=1, the code HOSPHE (v1.00) uses the one-body center of mass correction ( $E_{\mbox{\scriptsize {c.m.}}}\simeq-\frac{1}{A}\langle {T}\rangle $).

  9. icoudir

    For icoudir=0, no direct Coulomb term is included, and for icoudir=$-$1, the code HOSPHE (v1.00) calculates the direct Coulomb energy by using the Vautherin method, see Section 4.7.

  10. icouex

    For icouex=0, the Coulomb exchange term is not included, and for icouex=$-$1, the code HOSPHE (v1.00) calculates the Coulomb exchange energy by using the Slater approximation, see Section 4.8.

  11. itermax

    Maximum number of iterations allowed before aborting.

  12. epsilon

    Accuracy parameter. The iterations are stopped when the ground-state energies calculated by using the EDF and HF expressions differ by less than epsilon and every HF single-particle energy changes less than epsilon between two iterations.

  13. alpha

    Mixing parameter $\alpha$ to slow-down/accelerate the iteration convergence. It mixes the density matrix from the current $\rho_1$ and previous $\rho_0$ iterations, so that the new density matrix is obtained as $\rho = \alpha * \rho_1 + (1-\alpha) * \rho_0$

  14. keta_J

    Turns the Skyrme tensor coupling constants ON/OFF (1/0).

  15. restart

    If 1 or 2, the code HOSPHE (v1.00) attempts to read the density matrix from the file named as in the following example:
    densities_050_082.rec for (AZ,AN)=(50,82) and the density matrix is also automatically stored to the same file when the iterations are finished. For restart = 0 no restart of iterations are attempted. For restart=2 the stored density matrix is used even though it may come from a calculation with a different number of oscillator shells. For restart=1 it is used only if the number of oscillator shells is the same.

  16. Flag_read_ini_dm

    If .true., the code HOSPHE (v1.00) attempts to read the initially occupied levels from the file ``occ_orbs.inp''. The first line should say $N_{\mbox{\scriptsize {cng}}}, N_{\mbox{\scriptsize {fill}}}$ where all main oscillator shells up to $N_{\mbox{\scriptsize {fill}}}$ are automatically filled and $N_{\mbox{\scriptsize {cng}}}$ denotes the number of changes in occupation with respect to this initial filling. Then follows one line per change, each change being specified as $N,l,2j,I_{\mbox{\scriptsize {occ}}}$ where $N,l,2j$ denotes quantum numbers of HO $j$-shells and $I_{\mbox{\scriptsize {occ}}}$ specifies weather the shell should be occupied ( $I_{\mbox{\scriptsize {occ}}}=1$) or not ( $I_{\mbox{\scriptsize {occ}}}=0$). This is repeated twice to define shell occupancies for protons and then for neutrons. An example file of this type is included in the distribution.

  17. verbose

    Verbose is an integer which specifies the amount of output produced by the code HOSPHE (v1.00) during a run. Verbose = 0 is the standard which gives a minimum of output and higher values leads to more information being printed to the screen.

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Jacek Dobaczewski 2010-01-30