Exact Results in Quantum Theory & Gravity

Ścisłe rezultaty teorii kwantów i grawitacji


prof. dr hab. Jan Dereziński, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Meissner
dr Wojciech Kamiński, dr Grzegorz Łach
Pasteura 5, room 1.40, Fridays 14:15 - < 16:00

Friday, 29.05.2020
Astrid Eichhorn (University of Heidelberg & University of Southern Denmark)
will give an on-line talk
Frontiers of quantum gravity

I will provide an overview of two key frontiers of quantum gravity - the theoretical frontier and the observational frontier from the perspective of asymptotically safe quantum gravity and related approaches. I will highlight key open questions and potential pathways to answering them on the theory side. On the observational frontier I will present promising results on the interplay of quantum gravity with matter, including the visible as well as the dark sector of the universe.

Date Speaker Title Slides
04.10.2019 no seminar
11.10.2019 Piotr Sułkowski (IFT) Strings, knots, quivers, and hypergeometric functions
18.10.2019 Piotr Sułkowski (IFT) Strings, knots, quivers, and hypergeometric functions, part II
25.10.2019 Jakub Jankowski (IFT) Physicist's view on resurgence
01.11.2019 no seminar
08.11.2019 no seminar
15.11.2019 Michał Tomza (IFT) Reaching the quantum regime of ultracold ion-atom collisions: theory guides experiment. Part I
22.11.2019 Alexander Stottmeister (Münster) Operator-algebraic construction of 1+1-dimensional gauge theory and Jones' unitary actions of Thompson's groups
29.11.2019 Witold Bardyszewski (IFT) Topological phase transition in low dimensional structures
06.12.2019 Jakub Jankowski (IFT) Gauge/gravity duality: unification of ideas
13.12.2019 Mikołaj Misiak (IFT) Effective Field Theories in R_xi gauges
20.12.2019 Michał Dereziński (UC Berkeley) Unbiased estimator for linear regression via a determinantal point process
10.01.2020 Michał Tomza (IFT) Reaching the quantum regime of ultracold ion-atom collisions: theory guides experiment. Part II
17.01.2020 Paweł Sznajder Velocity fluctuations and plasma-like screening in sedimenting suspension
24.01.2020 Krzysztof Meissner (IFT, NCBJ) Electron pairs' sliding states in superconductivity
28.02.2020 Adam Latosiński (KMMF) The pinch technique for Feynman diagrams. Part I
06.03.2020 Adam Latosiński (KMMF) The pinch technique for Feynman diagrams. Part II
13.03.2020 Savely Karshenboim (LMU + Pulkovo Observatory) seminar cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
20.03.2020 Michał Siłkowski (IFT) seminar postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic
27.03.2020 Jan Kwapisz (IFT) [on-line] Asymptotic Safety in Quantum Gravity and Phenomenology of Particles, part I
03.04.2020 Jan Kwapisz (IFT) [on-line] Asymptotic Safety in Quantum Gravity and Phenomenology of Particles, part II
17.04.2020 Miłosz Panfil (IFT) [on-line] Quantum Integrability in Condensed Matter
24.04.2020 Carlos Perez (IFT) [on-line] On random noncommutative geometry and the spectral action for fuzzy geometries
08.05.2020 no seminar Juwenalia
15.05.2020 Michał Siłkowski (IFT) [on-line] Long-range asymptotics of exchange energy in the hydrogen molecule. Part II
29.05.2020 Carlos Perez (IFT) [on-line] On random noncommutative geometry and the spectral action for fuzzy geometries, Part II
05.06.2020 Astrid Eichorn (U. Heidelberg & U. Southern Denmark)) Frontiers of quantum gravity

Schedules of previous academic years