29 VI - 1 VII 1998, Zjazd Humboldczykow

29 June - 1 July 1998, Humboldians Meeting

poniedzialek, 29 VI 1998

Przyjechalismy do Bonn 29 VI 1998 na doroczny zjazd humbolczykow. Pierwsza rzecza, jaka zainteresowala Marcinka w hotelu, byl telefon.

Monday, 29 June 1998

On 29 June 1998, we arrived to Bonn at the Annual Humboldians Meeting. Marcin was at first interested at the hotel telephone. We had to unplug it because it had several preprogrammed boutons, like calling the emergency or fire-fighters.

poniedzialek, 29 VI 1998

Pierwszego dnia wieczorem zostalismy zaproszeni na bonski uniwersytet. Podczas gdy humboldczycy sluchali wykladu, ich dzieci bawily sie na dziedzincu uniwersytetu.

Monday, 29 June 1998

At the first day evening we were invited at the University of Bonn. The Humboldians were listening to the lecture while their children were playing at the University square.

Zgodnie z intencja Fundacji Humboldta, goscie zawierali miedzynarodowe znajomosci. Marcinek konwersuje z Aska z Japonii. Aska miala 15 miesiecy, a na nazwisko Yoshino.

According to the intention of the Humboldt Foundation, guests made international links. Marcin talks with Aska from Japan. Aska Yoshino was 15 months old.

Wieczorem zwiedzalismy Bonn.

Late in the evening we had a walk in the Bonn's center.

wtorek, 30 VI 1998

Zostalismy zaproszeni na przyjecie u prezydenta w willi Hammerschmidt.

Tuesday, 30 June 1998

We were invited for a reception by President of FRG in Villa Hammerschmidt.

Willa Hammerschmidt jest pieknie polozona nad brzegiem Renu.

Villa Hammerschmidt is built in a beautifull place on the Rhein bank.

wtorek, 30 VI 1998

Prezydent wsrod gosci.

Tuesday, 30 June 1998

President among the guests.

Przyjecie w willi Hammerschmidt. Dla dzieci urzadzono plac zabaw.

Reception in Villa Hammerschmidt. There was special play yard for children.

Przyjecie u prezydenta w willi Hammerschmidt. Prezydent jest gdzies w tlumie. Humboldczycy zostali zaproszeni w strojach formalnych lub narodowych. Na pierwszym planie Finka w stroju ludowym.

Reception in Villa Hammerschmidt. President is somewhere in the crowd. Humboldians had been asked to come in a formal or national dressing. On the first plane a woman from Finnland in a national dressing.

Marcinek buja sie na wezu.

Marcin plays on the snake.

Marcinek bawi sie balonikiem z Hinduskiem.

Marcin and a little Hindu play with a baloon.

Marcinek konwersuje z grupka Hindusow.

Marcin "talks" with a group of Hindu.

wtorek, 30 VI 1998

Po poludniu poplynelismy na wycieczke statkiem po Renie. Nad brzegiem na wzgorzach widac Schloss Drachenburg i Ruine Drachenfels. Niestety popsula sie pogoda.

Tuesday, 30 June 1998

In the afternoon, we made a boat trip down the Rhein. On the hills over the river the castles: Schloss Drachenburg and Ruine Drachenfels can be seen.

Ruiny Drachenfels. Nazwa 'smocza skala' pochodzi od smoka, ktory zamieszkiwal w tutejszej jaskini. Jak glosi saga, smok zostal zabity przez Zygfryda. Zamek zbudowany zostal znacznie pozniej (w XII wieku) przez biskupa Koloni.

Ruins Drachenfels. The name "dragon's rock" comes from a dragon who lived in a cave on a hill. According to a myth, the dragon was killed by Siegfrid. The castle was built much later (in XII century) by bishop of Cologne.