The Foundation projects:
  • International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds "Jaszowiec"
  • Prof. Szymanski's Annual Award - the individual award granted to Polish scholars and scientists for remarkable achievements in nuclear physics.
  • Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics
  • Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localisation Phenomena
  • Warsaw School of Statistical Physics
  • Konkurs "Poszukiwanie talentów"
  • A book for children and teenagers about Marian Smoluchowski.
    There is no doubt that if he had lived longer, Marian Smoluchowski would have become a Nobel Prize winner. However, today in Poland he is almost completely forgotten. Therefore, the Foundation decided to support the project of writing a book about M. Smoluchowski for children and teenagers. This was undertaken by the famous writer Anna Czerwińska-Rydel ( Anna Czerwińska-Rydel ). Prof. Bogdan Cichocki, a specialist in statistical physics and an expert on the scientific achievements and biography of M. Smoluchowski, will be the scientific advisor.
    The Foundation has launched a fundraiser whose aim is to provide a grant for the writer enabling the creation of a book. Please transfer payments with a note "Smoluchowski for children" to the accounts Fundacja “Pro-Physica”: 68 1090 1883 0000 0001 5470 7749 and PL 68 1090 1883 0000 0001 5470 7749, BIC/SWIFT: WBKPPLPP for the payments in Poland and abroad, respectively. Account balance as of March 19, 2024: 25 979,12 PLN
  • _Quantum Technologies Conference VI
  • Lectures and physics demonstration lessons
  • Last update 09.2023 r.