Planck 02

Fifth European Meeting
From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale


Kazimierz, Poland, May 25 - 29, 2002

The meeting will be the fifth one in a series of meetings on physics beyond the Standard Model, organized jointly by several European groups: Bonn, CERN, Ecole Polytechnique, ICTP, Madrid, Oxford, Padua, Pisa, SISSA and Warsaw. The previous meetings in this series were held in Kazimierz (1998), Bad Honnef (1999), Castelvecchio Pascoli (2000) and La Londe les Maures (2001). The present meeting is organized as part of activities in the framework of the EC networks HPRN-CT-2000-00148 and 00152.


  • Neutrino masses and proton decay as signatures of physics beyond the Standard Model
  • Supersymmetric phenomenology
  • M-theory, branes and large extra dimensions
  • Phenomenology of Kaluza-Klein fields in supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric brane models
  • Cosmology in brane worlds and the role of supersymmetry
  • Supersymmetric brane worlds from string theories
Detailed programme

There will be no multimedia projector - please prepare transparencies for a conventional overhead projector.
Some PC's will be available for participants to read their e-mail.


Maximum 100 participants. Conference fee: 200 zloty.
Full board and accommodation in Kazimierz (per person): single room - 1600 zloty, double room - 1100 zloty (1 US$ = 4 zloty).

All the payments should be made at the reception desk of the Architect House in zloty on May 25 and 26. Credit cards: Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard, Cirrus are accepted. There will be no problem to change main currencies (US dollars, euros) - a money exchange office and a bankomat (ATM) are at the post office in Kazimierz.

To apply, fill in a registration and accomodation form - you can use any browser (with defined outgoing mail server) except Netscape 6.x or Mozilla.
Registration deadline: March 15, 2002.

List of participants

Pictures from the meeting

List of countries which nationals enter Poland visa-free

Venue and Travel

The meeting will be held in the Architect's House (Dom Architekta) in Kazimierz. Kazimierz is a small and picturesque town 120 km south of Warsaw. The first session will start on Saturday (May 25) at 9:00, the last session will end on Wednesday (May 29) at 18:00. The hotels in Kazimierz are reserved from May 24 afternoon till May 30 morning.
There will be special buses from the Warsaw International Airport to Kazimierz on Friday (May 24) at 17:00 and 19:30 and from Kazimierz to Warsaw - on Thursday (May 30) at 8:15 (we shall arrive at the Warsaw International Airport at 11:15).
Address: Dom Architekta, Rynek 20, PL-24-120 Kazimierz Dolny, phone: +48-81-8835544.
If you come one day earlier or stay one day longer we can reserve a single room (cost: equivalence in zlotys of 40 US$/day) for you in the University Hotel HERA in Warsaw (Belwederska 26/30). If you prefer a more comfortable hotel you can make reservation by Internet in other hotels.

==> MORE ...

Please inform us about your arrival and departure time, flight numbers etc. as soon as possible.

Organizing Panel

I. Antoniadis (Ecole Polytechnique)
J. Ellis (CERN)
H. P. Nilles (Bonn)
S. Pokorski (Warsaw)
M. Quiros (Madrid)
G. Ross (Oxford)
G. Senjanovic (ICTP)
F. Zwirner (Rome La Sapienza)

Local Organizing Committee   

Z. Ajduk
P. Chankowski
J. Kalinowski
Z. Lalak
S. Pokorski


Warsaw University (UW)
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU)
Supported in part by
State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN)

Useful Links

Polish Home Page
Poland Now!
Welcome to Poland
Polish Airlines
Hotels in Poland


Dr. Z. Ajduk, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University, Hoza 69, PL-00-681 Warsaw
fax: +48-22-6219475, email: