Zdzisław Szymański Prize for the years 2005-2006

The Selection Committee of the Zdzisław Szymański Prize at the meeting held on June 1, 2007, after a thorough evaluation of candidates has decided to nominate

dr Ernest Grodner
from University of Warsaw

for observing spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in 128Cs.

The Diploma of the Prize for the years of 2005-2006 was awarded at a gala ceremony during the XXX Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics “Nuclear Physics and the Fundamental Processes”, which took place in Piaski, Poland, September 2-9, 2007. Within a special session, the Laureate gave an invited lecture concerning his scientific research: “Quest for the chiral symmetry breaking in atomic nuclei.

TRW (Tomasz Werner AT fuw edu pl)