Moje nowe laboratorium
- Posted by WW on 07.11.2009

Więcej informacji w zakładce research
I work at the Institute of Experimental Physics at the Warsaw University and keeep cooperating with Konrad Banaszek.
On this pages you'll find a list of my publications (cite), a few words about the research I participate in, some information for my students, photos of the lab tools I've made and some info about my hobby - steam locomotives.
Wojciech Wasilewski | Institute of Experimental Physics |
email: wwasil at | Hoża 69 |
fuw dot edu dot pl | 00-681 Warszawa |
Tel: +48 (22) 55 32 120 | Fax: +48 (22) 625 64 06 |
Tel: +48 (22) 55 32 111 |
Więcej informacji w zakładce research