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Basic Course: "Fundamentals of X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction" (3rd year, 1 semester, 2 hrs per week, examination)

  1. Basic knowledge of X-rays (X-ray tube, characteristic and continuous spectrum; synchrotron sources, synchrotron radiation characteristics, insertion devices: wigglers and undulators; interactions of X-rays with matter: real absorption, inelastic (Compton) scattering, elastic (Thomson and Rayleigh) scattering by free electrons, Rayleigh scattering by atoms; X-ray refraction, total external reflection, X-ray reflectometry).
  2. Basic knowledge of neutrons (neutron as a particle; neutron sources: reactors and spallation sources, neutron spectra, de Broglie waves of neutrons of different energies, thermal neutrons; neutron scattering by atoms: cross section, scattering length and its dependence on atomic number, isotopic inconsistency; neutron refraction).
  3. Elements of crystallography (point lattice, translation symmetry, crystallographic systems, crystal symmetry, Bravais lattices, examples of crystal structures, reciprocal lattice, Brillouin zones, Wigner-Seitz cell).
  4. Xray diffraction (Laue conditions, Bragg condition, diffraction in reciprocal lattice; kinematical theory, intensities of reflected beams, structure factor, Laue and Bragg geometry; X-ray topography and other experimental methods).
  5. Neutron diffraction (structure factors for neutrons, comparison with X-rays).
  6. Experimental methods of X-ray and neutron diffraction (Laue method, rotating-crystal method, Debye-Scherrer method, diffractometry, crystal structure determination).

Specialized Course: "X-Ray Physics I + II" (4th and 5th year, respectively, 2 hrs per week each, examination after the first year)

  1. General properties, sources, synchrotron radiation.
  2. Interactions with matter (absorption, photoelectric effect, photoelectron spectroscopy; Thomson, Rayleigh and Compton scattering; refraction and x-ray reflectometry).
  3. Defects in crystals.
  4. Dynamical theory of diffraction (dynamical effects in perfect crystals, diffraction in distorted crystals, Takagi-Taupin theory, numerical simulations).
  5. Experimental methods (standing waves, diffractometry, powder diffraction, lattice parameter determination, X-ray interferometry, X-ray optics, structure determination, many-beam cases, grazing-icidence diffraction, quasicrystals).
  6. X-ray scattering (inelastic scattering, comparison with neutrons; diffuse scattering, point defects studies; small-angle scattering).
  7. X-ray emission and absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS, SAXS).
  8. Overview of X-ray and other materials science methods (X-ray reflectometry, thin layer studies; X-ray microscopy; phase-contrast methods; X-ray lithography; electron spectroscopy, electron diffraction, LEED, RHEED).
  9. Free-electron lasers (undulators).

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