O seminarium                   Program                   Notatki

Czas i miejsce: czwartki, 10:15–12:00; Seminarium w roku akademickim 2022/23 będzie prowadzone w sposób stacjonarny w sali 2.23.


6.10.2022 N. Reshetikhin  (University of California, Berkeley and Yau Mathematical Sciences Center)
Classical and quantum superintegrable systems related to moduli spaces of flat connections over surfaces
13.10.2022 D. Gurevich (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes) New applications of the reflection equation algebras
20.10.2022 N. Mokrzański (KMMF, UW)
Translation invariant version of Little Grothendieck's Theorem
27.10.2022 J. Wojtkiewicz (KMMF, UW)
3.11.2022 A. Deuchert (University of Zurich)
Microscopic derivation of Ginzburg-Landau theory and the BCS critical temperature shift in a weak homogeneous magnetic field
S. Kurdziałek (IFT, UW)

Measurement noise susceptibility in quantum estimation

17.11.2022 C. Lazaroiu (IFIN-HH)
The hidden symmetries of multifield cosmological models and Hesse geometry
24.11.2022 H. Nicolai (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)
A new look at Yang-Mills theories
1.12.2022 N. Reshetikhin  (University of California, Berkeley and Yau Mathematical Sciences Center) Classical and quantum superintegrable systems related to moduli spaces of flat connections over surfaces
8.12.2022 C. Blacker  (Saint Petersburg State University)
Reduction of multisymplectic manifolds
15.12.2022 T. Strobl (UCBL)
Hyzio, Dyzio and Zyzio's ghosts and their forest of Christmass trees
12.1.2023 D. Mitrouskas (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
The Frohlich polaron at strong coupling
19.1.2023 K. Merz (Osaka University)
The Scott conjectures for relativistic atoms
26.1.2023 L. Vitagliano (Universidad of Salermo)
 Characteristics and Geometric Singularities
of Solutions of PDEs

LETNI 2022/23

2.3.2023 M. Zambon (University of Leuven)
Coisotropic submanifolds in b-symplectic geometry
9.3.2023 P. Nayar (MIMUW)
Inequalities in information theory
16.3.2023 M. Castrillon (UCM)
The geometry of the reduction by stages in Field Theories
23.3.2023 M. Parniak (CeNT UW)  Light-matter interfaces operating in the quantum regime
30.3.2023 M. Wojciechowski (IMPAN)
Microlocal approach to the Hausdorff dimension of measures
13.4.2023 J. Zahn (University of Lepizig)
Anomalies in Quantum Gauge Theories (a Proof of the Adler-Bardeen Theorem)
20.4.2023 C. Brennecke (University of Bonn) On the Replica Symmetric Phase of the SK Model
27.4.2023 K. Myśliwy (IFT, UW)
Rigorous derivation of the Frohlich Hamiltonian for the long-ranged Bose polaron
brak seminarium
11.5.2023 E. Garcia Torano (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)
Routh reduction in field theory
18.5.2023 M. Dutsch (Universitet Gottingen)
Perturbative QFT: off-shell fields, deformation quantization and causal perturbation theory
25.5.2023 N. Benedikter (Universita degli Studi di Milano)
Bogoliubov Theory for Fermions and Bosons, and Fermi-Bose Transmutation
1.6.2023 C. Gass (KMMF)
Graviton couplings on Hilbert space
15.6.2023 K. Grabowska (KMMF)
 Routh reduction - prequel

                                  ARCHIWUM 9. (rok akademicki 2021-22)                              

                                  ARCHIWUM 8. (rok akademicki 2020-21)                               

ARCHIWUM 7. (rok akademicki 2019-20)

(rok akademicki 2018-19)

ARCHIWUM 5. (rok akademicki 2017-18)

ARCHIWUM 4. (rok akademicki 2016-17)

ARCHIWUM 3. (rok akademicki 2015-16)

ARCHIWUM 2. (rok akademicki 2014-15)

ARCHIWUM 1. (okres od 2. października 2008 r. do 5. czerwca 2014 r.)

ARCHIWUM 0. (okres od 7. listopada 1996 r. do 5. czerwca 2008 r.)

Strona ostatnio odświeżana 10. maja 2018 r.