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Parameters of several standard Skyrme forces are encoded within the program. Calculation for a given standard force can be requested by specifying its acronym in the input data file, see Sec. II-3.2. In version (v2.07f), valid acronyms are SIII, SV, SKM*, SKP, SKMP, SKI1, SKO, SKOP, SLY4, SLY5, MSK1, MSK2, MSK3, MSK4, MSK5, MSK6, SKX, SKXC. Along with the force parameters, for each force there is encoded information on how the given force should be used, i.e., with which value of the parameter $\hbar^2/2m$, and with which treatment of tensor, spin-orbit, and center-of-mass terms. For ISTAND=1, calculations will be performed with these features set in the way specific for the given force, and the rest of the switches read on the same line will be ignored. For ISTAND=0, the switches will define nonstandard features in the following way:

Keyword: HBAR2OVR2M
20.73620941 = HBMINP

Value of the $\hbar^2/2m$ parameter, which will be used if KETA_M=2 is set under keyword SKYRME-STD, see above, and ignored otherwise.

120.0, 120.0 = W0_INP,W0PINP

Strengths $W_0$ and $W'_0$ of the generalized spin-orbit interaction (17), which will be used if KETA_W=2 is set under keyword SKYRME-STD, see above, and ignored otherwise.

 Keyword: LANDAU        
   0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 =  LANODD,  X0_LAN,X1_LAN,

Three-digit steering switch LANODD, followed by the values of $x_0$, $x_1$, $g_0$, $g'_0$, $g_1$, and $g'_1$, see Eq. (21). For LANODD=000, definition of coupling constants from the Landau parameters is not used, and the rest of parameters read on the same data line is ignored. For LANODD=111, Eq. (21) is solved and coupling constants $C_0^{s}[0]$, $C_0^{s}[\rho_{\mbox{\scriptsize {sat}}}]$, $C_1^{s}[0]$, $C_1^{s}[\rho_{\mbox{\scriptsize {sat}}}]$, $C_0^{T}$, and $C_1^{T}$ are determined from the values of $x_0$, $x_1$, $g_0$, $g'_0$, $g_1$, and $g'_1$. For other values of LANODD, the following three steps are performed in sequence:

  1. Step one: If the rightmost digit of LANODD is equal to 1 then the coupling constants $C_0^{T}$ and $C_1^{T}$ are determined form $g_1$ and $g'_1$, Eqs. (21e) and (21f); otherwise these two coupling constants are determined from the Skyrme force parameters.

  2. Step two: If the middle digit of LANODD is equal to 1 then the coupling constants $C_0^{s}[\rho_{\mbox{\scriptsize {sat}}}]$ and $C_1^{s}[\rho_{\mbox{\scriptsize {sat}}}]$ are determined form $g_0$ and $g'_0$, Eqs. (21c) and (21d); otherwise these two coupling constants are determined from the Skyrme force parameters.

  3. Step three: If the leftmost digit of LANODD is equal to 1 then the coupling constants $C_0^{s}[0]$ and $C_1^{s}[0]$ are determined form $x_0$ and $x_1$, Eqs. (21a) and (21b); otherwise these two coupling constants are determined from the Skyrme force parameters.

All combinations of zeros and ones are allowed in LANODD.

$-$1.0, $-$1.0, $-$1.0 = HBMSAT,RHOSAT,EFFSAT

Values of parameters $\hbar^2/2m$, ${m^*}/{m}$, and $\rho_{\mbox{\scriptsize {sat}}}$, respectively, which will be used when solving Eq. (21). If a negative number is read for any of these parameters, then the program will use the corresponding value calculated from parameters of the given Skyrme force.

Keyword: INI_FERMI
$-$8.0, $-$8.0 = FERINI(0),FERINI(1)

Keyword: INI_DELTA
1.0, 1.0 = DELINI(0),DELINI(1)

For IPCONT=0, see Sec. 3.8, calculations that are restarted from previously saved results will be performed with new values of the neutron and proton Fermi energies, FERINI(0) and FERINI(1), and pairing gaps, DELINI(0) and DELINI(1). New values of pairing gaps are implemented by overwriting the old pairing potentials with constant values of DELINI(0) and DELINI(1) for neutrons and protons, respectively. These constant potentials are ignored after the first iteration, i.e., in the first iteration, the mixing of previous and calculated potentials (see Sec. 3.4) is not performed. A possibility of restarting calculations with nonzero pairing is very useful in case the pairing would have vanished in a former run.


For IDEFIN=1, pairing calculations will be performed with a fixed value of the neutron pairing gap equal to DELFIN. For IDEFIN=0, value of DELFIN will be ignored.


Same as above but for the proton pairing gap.

$-$200.0, 0.0, 1.0 = PRHO_N,PRHODN,POWERN

Parameters $V_0$, $V_1$, and $\alpha$, respectively, of the zero-range density-dependent pairing force (14) for neutrons. In case values of $V_1$ and $\alpha$ allow it, the code calculates the value of $\rho_0$ that gives the equivalent form of the formfactor (14). In case $\rho_0$ cannot be calculated, the codes set its value to 1; $\rho_0$ is calculated only for the purpose of information, while internally the code uses only the value of $V_1$.

$-$200.0, 0.0, 1.0 = PRHO_P,PRHODP,POWERP

Same as above but for the proton pairing force.

$-$200.0, 0.0, 1.0 = PRHO_T,PRHODT,POWERT

Same as above but for the neutron and proton pairing force. This keyword is equivalent to using the above two keywords simultaneously with identical parameters for neutrons and protons.

$-$200.0, 0.16, 1.0 = PRHO_N,PRHOSN,POWERN

Parameters $V_0$, $\rho_0$, and $\alpha$, respectively, of the zero-range density-dependent pairing force (14) for neutrons. In case values of $\rho_0$ and $\alpha$ allow it, the code calculates the value of $V_1$ that gives the equivalent form of the formfactor (14). In case $V_1$ cannot be calculated, the code stops.

$-$200.0, 0.16, 1.0 = PRHO_P,PRHOSP,POWERP

Same as above but for the proton pairing force.

$-$200.0, 0.16, 1.0 = PRHO_T,PRHOST,POWERT

Same as above but for the neutron and proton pairing force. This keyword is equivalent to using the above two keywords simultaneously with identical parameters for neutrons and protons.

Keyword: CUTOFF
60.0 = ECUTOF

Cutoff energy $\bar{e}_{\mbox{\scriptsize {max}}}$ for summing up contributions of quasiparticle states to density matrices (11), see Sec. 2.5.

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Jacek Dobaczewski 2004-01-06