Nonlocal EDF for the symmetric spin-saturated nuclear matter

For the symmetric spin-saturated homogeneous nuclear matter, the EDF coupling constants expressed in terms of the pseudopotential parameters can easily be obtained from those derived for finite nuclei. Indeed, in this former system, isovector densities are zero because of the equality of proton and neutron densities, gradients of local densities are zero because of its homogeneity, and all tensors of rank greater than zero vanish because of its isotropy.

At zero-order, expressions relating the EDF non-vanishing coupling constants to pseudopotential parameters can be read from the first and fifth lines of Eq. (17). They explicitly read,

$\displaystyle C_{00,0000,0}^{00,0000,0,L}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{C_{00,00}^{00,0}}{2}+\frac{C_{00,00}^{00,1}}{4} ,$ (31)
$\displaystyle C_{00,0000,0}^{00,0000,0,N}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle -\frac{C_{00,00}^{00,0}}{8} - \frac{C_{00,00}^{00,1}}{4} +\frac{\sqrt{3}}{8}C_{00,20}^{00,0}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}C_{00,20}^{00,1}.$ (32)

For higher-order terms of the EDF, we note that terms depending on gradients $D_{m 0}$ of nonlocal densities do contribute provided that they are coupled to a scalar. There are 1, 4, and 8 such a terms at second, fourth, and sixth order, respectively; below they are shown in bold face. For these densities, the local limit does not give rise to the cancellation of the corresponding term of the functional.

At second-order, we obtain three nonvanishing coupling constants, which are given by,

$\displaystyle C_{00,2000,0}^{00,0000,0,L}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{1}{4} C_{00,00}^{20,0}+\frac{1}{8}
\frac{1}{4} C_{11,00}^{11,0}+\frac{1}{8} C_{11,00}^{11,1}$ (33)
$\displaystyle C_{00,2000,0}^{00,0000,0,N}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle -\frac{1}{16} C_{00,00}^{20,0}-\frac{1}{8} C_{00,00}^{20,1}+\frac{1}{16} \sqrt{3} C_{00,20}^{20,0} +\frac{1}{8} \sqrt{3} C_{00,20}^{20,1}$  
    $\displaystyle +\frac{1}{16} C_{11,00}^{11,0}+\frac{1}{8} C_{11,00}^{11,1} -\frac{1}{16} \sqrt{3} C_{11,20}^{11,0}-\frac{1}{8} \sqrt{3} C_{11,20}^{11,1}$ (34)
$\displaystyle \bm{C_{20,0000,0}^{00,0000,0,\bf {N}}}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{1}{64} C_{00,00}^{20,0}+\frac{1}{32} C_{00,00}^{20,1}
-\frac{1}{64} \sqrt{3} C_{00,20}^{20,0}-\frac{1}{32} \sqrt{3} C_{00,20}^{20,1}$  
    $\displaystyle +\frac{1}{64} C_{11,00}^{11,0}+\frac{1}{32} C_{11,00}^{11,1} -\frac{1}{64} \sqrt{3} C_{11,20}^{11,0} -\frac{1}{32} \sqrt{3} C_{11,20}^{11,1}.$ (35)

At fourth (sixth) order, there are 8 (12) non-vanishing coupling constants, which are linear combinations of the 16 (24) parameters corresponding to the central terms of the pseudopotential. These lengthy expressions are collected in the supplemental material. Here we only list these non-vanishing coupling constants, which at fourth and sixth order are $C_ {00, 2000, 0}^{00, 2000, 0, L}$, $C_ {00, 2000, 0}^{00, 2000, 0, N}$, $C_ {00, 4000, 0}^{00, 0000, 0, L}$, $C_ {00, 4000, 0}^{00, 0000, 0, N}$, $\bm{C_ {20, 0000, 0}^{00, 2000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {20, 0000, 0}^{20, 0000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {20, 2000, 0}^{00, 0000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {40, 0000, 0}^{00, 0000, 0, \bf {N}}}$ and $C_ {00, 4000, 0}^{00, 2000, 0, L}$, $C_ {00, 4000, 0}^{00, 2000, 0, N}$, $C_ {00, 6000, 0}^{00, 0000, 0, L}$, $C_ {00, 6000, 0}^{00, 0000, 0, N}$, $\bm{C_ {20, 0000, 0}^{00, 4000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {20, 2000, 0}^{00, 2000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {20, 2000, 0}^{20, 0000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {20, 4000, 0}^{00, 0000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {40, 0000, 0}^{00, 2000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {40, 0000, 0}^{20, 0000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {40, 2000, 0}^{00, 0000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, $\bm{C_ {60, 0000, 0}^{00, 0000, 0, \bf {N}}}$, respectively.

Jacek Dobaczewski 2014-12-07