
Planck 2023

The 25th Planck conference in the series 'From the Planck scale to the electroweak scale' will take place in Warsaw, May 22-26, 2023. It will be focused on 'Hot topics in particle physics and cosmology: theory facing experimental prospects'.

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Our first conference in Warsaw

Scientists during a coffee break.

Our first joint conference was held at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, on 17-18 October 2022. Because of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the conference was the first time when both teams from Warsaw and Bergen could meet. During the event, progress in all 5 research objectives was discussed, as well as some other interesting topics. In total, 25 people participated, and 8 talks were given.

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New people joining our collaboration

Last year new people joined our collaboration. Welcome!

Team members:

  • Amit Adhikary (Warsaw)
  • Ayuki Kamada (Warsaw)
  • Fotis Koutroulis (Warsaw)
  • Nikolai Fomin (Bergen)
  • Erlend Aakvaag (Bergen)

Project starts!

The project has officially started on October the 1st, and the first Warsaw-Bergen meeting was held.

Project description

In this project we shall pursue a number of conrete novel approaches and tasks, that in our opinion should bring us (as the whole research community) closer to the ultimate goal of finding the extension of the SM that will explain the puzzles of the early universe. The guiding principle for our choice of the objectives is the existing observational puzzles that Standard Model is not able to explain that is existence of Dark Matter, the need for additional source of CP violation to explain the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry and, considering the EW baryogenesis to be an interesting option, the characteristic of the EW phase transition.

Our identification of New Physics signatures of interest which structure our research programme in its experimental and theoretical aspects is A) Mono-jet signature, B) Mono-Higgs signature, C) Di-Higgs production, CP state of p p -> t tbar h and h -> tau+ tau-, D) Multi-jet signatures.

Team members:

  • Trygve Buanes
  • Bertrand Martin dit Latour
  • Zygmunt Lalak
  • Inaki Lara
  • Anna Lipniacka
  • Marek Olechowski
  • Stefan Pokorski
  • Krzysztof Rolbiecki
  • Janusz Rosiek
  • Kazuki Sakurai
  • Therese Berge Sjursen
  • Bjarne Stugu
  • Konrad Tywoniuk

We also collaborate with:

  1. the team members of the project led by Therese Sjursen at the Western Norway University of Applied Science: Use Artificial Intelligence to pinpoint Dark Matter at the LHC
    • post-doc Igor Slazek mentored by Therese Sjursen, Trygve Buanes and Bertrand Martin Dit Latour
    • PhD student: Aurora Grefsrud mentored by Therese Sjursen, Trygve Buanes, Anna Lipniacka
    • PhD student: Tarje Solberg Hillersoy mentored by Therese Sjursen, Bertrand Martin Dit Latour, Trygve Buanes.
  2. Norwegian Center for CERN Research (NorCC) This project employs team member Bertrand Martin Dit Latour and provides ATLAS Collaboration membership fee for all project members in Norway, both at the University of Bergen and at the Western Norway University of Applied Science.

Research objectives:

  1. Machine learning assisted mono-jet anlysis in search for Dark Matter and new electricaly neutral stable particles and its theoretical interpretation.
    [ K. Sakurai, B. M. dit Latour, I. Lara, K. Rolbiecki, M. Olechowski, S. Pokorski, T. Buanes, A. Lipniacka, K. Tywoniuk, R. Masełek]

  2. Discriminating theories by joint mono-jet and mono-Higgs analysis.
    [ K. Rolbiecki, T. B. Sjursen, I. Lara, J. Rosiek, T. Buanes, A. Lipniacka]

  3. Constraining the mechanism of the Electroweak Phase Transition by di-Higgs boson production, p p -> h h.
    [ M. Olechowski, A. Lipniacka, S. Pokorski, Z. Lalak, B. Stugu]

  4. Probing new sources of CP violation in the Higgs-fermion sector.
    [ J. Rosiek, B. Stugu, K. Rolbiecki, K. Sakurai, A. Lipniacka]

  5. Investigating the sphaleron and mini-black hole production at the LHC and its dependence on the mechanism of EWPT.
    [ S. Pokorski, T. Buanes, I. Lara, K. Sakurai, M. Olechowski, Z. Lalak, A. Lipniacka, K. Tywoniuk, R. Masełek]