Place: The place of Workshop is small village Bolshie Koty (Big Cats) at the shore of Baikal, 18 km to the North-West from source of head of big Siberian river Angara. Transportation only by ship (about 90 km from Irkutsk, 70 km in artificial lake in beginning of Angara+18 km in Baikal).

Weather: Typically: 20-25^0 C, sunny, at the evening it can be fresh (up to 5-10^0 C), raining day is possible, water 14-16^0 C.

Accommodation: All participants will live in the family village house, no more than two persons per room. The food will be prepared by owners with Baikal fish as essential component. Russian sauna is also possible.

Regular sessions - under tent but with computer. Internet connection is limited (via phone of domestic company).

The conferece fee includes all expences in Bolshie Koty.