
Covid nineteen eighty four
Knocking at your frontal lobes door1
Stay at home – wear mental mask
What’s the real IFR?2 – don’t ask

Correlation implies causation
In the official death count
Statistics is just a frequency
Repeated fear freezes the mind

Mandatorily tracked proles
Eager for new normal roles
Freshy bailout for the rich
Ignorance is a bliss

You can feel its fingertips
Biohazard level 4 SARS biz
Gain-of-function PRRA insert3
It’s your kiss of death concert4

«If we want to look for an answer to whether a physicist can now decide about the fate of the world, total destruction, total catastrophe, then we can safely answer: no. Those times are gone.
Today it can be decided by a biologist, a guy fiddling with genes»5

(День победы 9.V.20, 仁座町)

1 cf. Eric Boucher and John Greenway, 1979, California über alles, in: Dead Kennedys, 1979, California Über Alles / The Man With The Dogs, Optional Music.
2 Infection Fatality Rate. According to Erikstrup C. et al, Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality rate by real-time antibody screening of blood donors (April 24, 2020), IFR of SARS-CoV-2 is 0.082%. IFR of seasonal flu is 0.04-0.1%.
3 cf. Yuri Deigin, Lab-Made? SARS-CoV-2 Genealogy Through the Lens of Gain-of-Function Research (April 22, 2020).
4 cf. David Mustaine and David Ellefson, 1990, Tornado of souls, in: Megadeth, 1990, Rust in Peace, Capitol Records.
5 transl. from Polish: «Jeśli chcemy szukać odpowiedzi na to czy fizyk może w obecnej chwili zadecydować o losach świata, totalnej zagłady, totalnej katastrofy, to możemy sobie spokojnie odpowiedzieć: nie. Te czasy minęły. Dzisiaj o tym może decydować biolog, może facet majstrujący w genach» — M.Sawicki, in: Krzysztof Zanussi, 1973, Iluminacja, Studio Filmowe "Tor", Warszawa.

P.s.: Cf. a psychoacoustic mp3 version of the above poem, feat. «Prelude in S» (amino acid sequence of the S gene of SARS-CoV-2 virus, converted to sound using Bio2MIDI with a special marking of the PRRA insert sequence, made by the undisclosed author of, and a fragment of «День Победы» [Victory Day] (composed by Давид Тухманов [David Tukhmanov], and sung by Alexandrov's Choir of Red Army).