Zboze w Thoiry
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Database of my games

A database of all my games which I have on my computer can be found in this section. You can also download it here (zip compressed CBH file) or separate parts beneath.

  • Turnament games [pgn]

    • Base 1 - year 1995: V International Junior Chess Tournament Jesień '95, Warsaw Championschips to the age of 20 and XVII Tournament for Bieszczady Cup.
    • Base 2 - VI International Junior Chess Tournament Jesień '96, Polish Championships Semifinals to the age of 12 ('94 and '95), Polish Championships Finals to the age of 12 ('95) and Academic Polish Championships "B" ('95).
    • Base 3 - Academic Warsaw Chempionsips ('94), Open Junior Warsaw Championsips ('94) and Polish Championsips quolifiers ('95 and '96) + several others games.

  • Games played on the server Sachy.sk - Base 4 - 26 games, [pgn]

  • Games played on the server FreeChess.org, [pgn]

  • Others [pgn]

Last changed:

by andrzej hryczuk

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