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Chess problems

In this section someday I hope you will find some chess problems. It won't be any course or carefully chosen set, but just several interesting positions taken from my games or heared somewhere. You have three guesses (just click on the piece and then on desired squere) after which the solution will be revealed. Have fun!


3. ?

3. b6 Rxd6 4. b7 Rd8 5. Rxa7 Re8+ 6. Kf2 Ne7 7. Ra8 Nc6 8. Rxe8+ Kxe8 1/2-1/2

Problem 1

Taken from my game with Chessmaster 8000 program. White to move and draws. To achive it many moves still need to be played, but after six it can be actually seen that black cannot win.

Last changed:

by andrzej hryczuk