1. On a theorem of Mackey, Stone and v.Neumann. Studia Mathematica 24, strony: 101-105 (1964)

  2. A theorem about v.Neumann algebras of quantum field theory. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 14, strony: 265-266 (1966), współpraca z K. Napiórkowskim.

  3. On closed spacelike hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 15, strony: 355--356 (1967), współpraca z M. Demiańskim.

  4. A generalization of a theorem by Wightman. Commun. Math. Phys. 9, strony: 142-145 (1968)

  5. A theorem about commutator function and its application to the quantum field theory. in Axiomatic approach to quantum field theory and many body problem. vol IB, Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis No 99 (1988)

  6. A remark about superselection rules. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 17, strony: 579-580 (1969), współpraca z K. Napiórkowskim.

  7. The notion of psuedocapacity and its application to the investigation of the singularities of Sobolev functions. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 17, strony: 11--16 (1969), współpraca ze Z. Wizimirskim.

  8. Podstawy aksjomatycznej kwantowej teorii pola

    1. Mechanika kwantowa, preprint Nr 82, listopad 1969, 57 stron

    2. Grupa Poincarego, preprint Nr 84, marzec 1970, 87 stron

    3. Teoria algebr Haaga, preprint Nr 83, grudzień 1969, 59 stron

    4. Teoria Wightmana, preprint Nr 97, maj 1970, 65 stron

    5. Teoria pola swobodnego, preprint Nr 98, czerwiec 1970, 31 stron

    -preprinty Instytutu Fizyki Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.

  9. The quantum problem of moments I. Reports on Math. Phys. 1 no 2, strony: 135--141 (1970/71)

  10. The quantum problem of moments II. Reports on Math. Phys. 1 no 3, strony: 175--183 (1970/71)

  11. A geometrical approach to the twistor formalism. Reports on Math. Phys. 2 no 1 , strony: 35--51 (1971), współpraca z W. Kopczyńskim.

  12. Total sets in quantum field theory. Reports on Math. Phys. 2 no 2, strony: 113--120, współpraca z P. Sadowskim.

  13. A theorem on kernel in the theory of operator valued distributions. Studia Mathematica 39, strony: 217--226 (1971)

  14. On the purification of factor states. Commun. Math. Phys. 28, strony: 221--235 (1972)

  15. On the purification map. Commun. Math. Phys. 30, strony: 55--67 (1973)

  16. Selfpolar forms and their applications to the C*-algebra theory. Reports on Math. Phys. 6, strony: 487--495 (1974)

  17. The geometrical mean and the purification map. Universita di Camerino International School of Mathematical Physics 1974, strony: 439--451

  18. Ergodic mixture of pure states. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 23 no 3, strony: 253--257 (1975)

  19. Functional calculus for sesquilinear forms and the purification map. Reports on Math. Phys. 8 no 2, strony: 159--170 (1975), współpraca z W. Puszem

  20. On mixed and pure observables in quantum mechanics, preprint Nr 297 Instytutu Fizyki Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu , styczeń 1975, współpraca z R. Ingardenem.

  21. Positive maps of low-dimensional matrix algebras. Reports on Math. Phys. 10, no 2, strony: 165--183 (1976)

  22. Non-extendible positive maps. Commun. Math. Phys. 51 no 3, strony: 243--282 (1976)

  23. A remark on polar decomposition of m-sectorial operators. Letters on Math. Phys. 1 no 5, strony: 429--433 (1975/77)

  24. Passive states and KMS states for general quantum systems. Commun. Math. Phys.58, no 3, strony: 273--290 (1978), współpraca z W. Puszem

  25. Form convex functions and the WYDL and others inequalities. Letters on Math. Phys. 2, No 6, strony: 505--512 (1978), współpraca z W. Puszem

  26. Partial transposition and non-extendible maps. Letters on Math. Phys. 3, no 4 str. 319--324 (1979), współpraca z P. Kruszyńskim.

  27. Operator systems and their application to the Tomita Takesaki theory. Journal of Operator Theory 2, no 2, strony: 169--209 (1979)

  28. Pseudospaces, pseudogroups and Pontryagin duality. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Physics, Lausanne 1979. Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 116., strony: 407--412 Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer

  29. A noncommutative Gelfand Naimark theorem. Journal of Operator Theory 8, strony: 361--389 (1982), współpraca z P. Kruszyńskim.

  30. Duality in the C*-algebra theory. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematiciens Warsaw 1983, strony: 1347--1356 PWN Warszawa

  31. Duality in the locally compact groups. Preprint CPT CNRS Marsylia czerwiec 1983, stron 15

  32. On the existence of KMS states. Letters on Math. Phys. 10, no 1, strony: 29--31 (1985)

  33. Group structure on non-commutative spaces. Fields and Geometry 1986. Proceedings of the XXIInd Winter School and Workshop of Theoretical Physics, Karpacz, Poland, strony: 478--496. Singapore: World Scientific.

  34. Twisted SU(2) group. An example of a non-commutative differential calculus. Publications of RIMS, Kyoto University, Vol 23, No. 1, strony: 117--181 (1987)

  35. Compact matrix pseudogroup. Commun. Math. Phys. 111, strony: 613--665 (1987)

  36. Tannaka - Krein duality for compact matrix pseudogroups. Twisted SU(N) groups. Invent. math 93, strony: 35--76 (1988)

  37. Differential calculus on compact matrix pseudogroups (quantum groups). Commun. Math. Phys. 122, strony: 125--170 (1989)

  38. Twisted second quantization. Reports on Math. Phys. Vol. 27, No. 2, strony: 231--257, (1989), współpraca z W. Puszem

  39. Quantum deformation of Lorentz group. Commun. Math. Phys. 130, strony: 381--431 (1990), współpraca z P. Podlesiem.

  40. Unbounded elements affiliated with C*-algebras and non-compact quantum groups. Commun. Math. Phys. 136, strony: 399--432 (1991)

  41. A remark on compact matrix quantum groups. Letters on Math. Phys. 21:, strony: 35--39, (1991)

  42. Solutions of the braid equation related to a Hopf algebra. Letters on Math. Phys. 23:, strony: 143--145 (1991)

  43. Quantum E(2)-group and its Pontryagin dual. Letters on Math. Phys. 23, strony: 251--263 (1991)

  44. New quantum deformation of SL(2,C). Hopf algebra level. Reports on Math. Phys. Vol 30 No. 2, strony: 259--269 (1991)

  45. Operator equalities related to quantum E(2) group. Commun. Math. Phys. 144, strony: 417--428 (1992)

  46. Quantum Lorentz group having Gauss decomposition property. Publications of RIMS, Kyoto University 28, strony: 809--824 (1992), współpraca z S. Zakrzewskim

  47. Quantum SU(2) and E(2) groups. Contraction procedure. Commun. Math. Phys. 149, strony: 637--652 (1992)

  48. Operator theory in the C*-algebra framework. Reports on Math. Phys. Vol. 31, No. 3, strony: 353--371 (1992), współpraca z K. Napiórkowskim.

  49. Inhomogeneous quantum groups, in Infinite dimensional geometry, Non commutative geometry, Operator algebras, Fundamental Interactions. Proceedings of the First Carabean Spring School of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Guadeloupe 1993 World Scientific strony 363 -- 369, współpraca z P. Podlesiem.

  50. Quantum deformations of Lorentz group. Hopf *-algebra level. Compositio Mathematica 90, No 2, strony: 211--241 (1994), współpraca z S. Zakrzewskim.

  51. Unitary representations of quantum Lorentz group. Noncompact Lie Groups and Some of Their Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1994, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Vol 429 strony 453--472, współpraca z W. Puszem

  52. C*-algebras generated by unbounded elements. Reviews on Mathematical Physics, Vol. 7, No. 3, strony: 481 -- 521 (1995)

  53. An example of a braided locally compact group. Quantum Groups: Formalism and Applications, XXX Karpacz Winter School. Polish Scientific Publishers PWN Warszawa 1995., strony: 155--171.

  54. On the classification of Quantum Poincare Groups.Commun. Math. Phys. 178, strony: 61 - 82 (1996), współpraca z P. Podlesiem.

  55. On the structure of inhomogeneous quantum groups. Commun. Math. Phys. 185, strony: 325 - 358 (1996), współpraca z P. Podlesiem.

  56. From multiplicative unitaries to quantum groups. International Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 7, No. 1, strony: 127 -- 149 (1996)

  57. Duality for the quantum E(2) group. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 173, strony: 375 - 385 (1996), współpraca z A. Van Daele.

  58. Compact quantum groups. Les Houches, Session LXIV, 1995, Quantum Symmetries, Elsevier 1998

  59. Quantum exponential function. Reviews on Mathematical Physics Vol. 12, No. 6 (2000), strony: 873 -- 920

  60. Representations of the quantum Lorentz group on Gelfand spaces. Reviews on Mathematical Physics Vol. 12, No. 6 (2000), strony: 1551 -- 1625, współpraca z W. Puszem

  61. Quantum "az+b" group on complex plane. International Journal of Mathematics Vol 12, No 4, strony: 461 -- 503 (2001)

  62. A quantum GL(2,C) group at roots of unity. Reports on Math. Phys. Vol 47 (2001), strony: 431 -- 462, współpraca z W. Puszem

  63. Quantum "ax+b" group. Review in Mathematical Physics., Vol 14, Nos 7 & 8 (2002), strony 797 - 828, współpraca z S. Zakrzewskim.

  64. A C*-algebraic framework for the quantum groups. International Journal of Mathematics Vol 14, No 9, strony: 903 -- 1001 (2003) współpraca z T. Masuda i Y. Nakagami.

  65. Extended SU(1,1) quantum group. Hilbert space level. W przygotowaniu.

  66. A remark on manageable multiplicative unitaries. Letters on Math. Phys. 57 (2001), strony 239-252, współpraca z P. Sołtanem.

  67. Haar weight on some quantum groups. Group 24: Physical and mathematical aspects of symmetries, Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics Paris, 15 - 20 July 2002, Institute of Physics, Conference Series Number 173 strony 763 – 772.

  68. On quantum group of unitary operators. Quantum “az+b” group. Twenty Years of Białowieża: A mathematical anthology - Aspects of Differential Geometric Methods in Physics. World Scientific Monograph Series in Mathematics - Vol. 8, współpraca z W. Puszem.

  69. A new quantum deformation of “ax+b” group. Old version. Preprint 2004, współpraca z W. Puszem.

  70. A new quantum deformation of “ax+b” group. New version, Commun. Math. Phys. 259, strony 325 – 362 (2005), współpraca z W. Puszem.

  71. From multiplicative unitaries to quantum groups II. J. Funct. Anal. 252 (1) (2007), strony 42 – 67, współpraca z P. Sołtanem.

  72. Homomorphisms of Quantum groups, Muenster Journal of Mathematics Vol 5, No 1 (2012), strony 1 - 24, współpraca z R. Meyer and S. Roy.

  73. Quantum group - twisted tensor products of C*-algebras, International Journal of Mathematics, 25(2): 37 pages, (2014), współpraca z R. Meyer and S. Roy.

  74. Quantum automorphism groups of finite quantum groups are classical. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 89, (2015), strony 32 – 37, współpraca z P. Kasprzakiem i P.M. Sołtanem.

  75. Braided quantum SU(2) groups, ukaże się w Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, (2016), współpraca z P. Kasprzakiem, R. Meyerem i S. Roy

  76. Quantum group-twisted tensor products of C*- algebras II, ukaże się w Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, (2016), współpraca z R. Meyerem i S. Roy.

  77. Monoidal categories of C*-algebras, arXiv:1606.02071 [math.OA] (2016).

  78. Landstad-Vaes theory for locally compact quantum groups, w przygotowaniu, (2016), współpraca z S. Roy.

  79. Semidirect products of C*-quantum groups: multiplicative unitaries approach, ukaże się w Comm.Math.Phys., (2016), współpraca z R. Meyerem i S. Roy